Factory Roadmap at CEV

CEV - equipment manufacturer specializing in roadside assistance
Extensive diagnosis of industrial & operations Lean Manufacturing
Business goals
Build a shared vision of the company's strengths and areas for improvement & Identify opportunities to increase performance and build a roadmap to reach its targets
Achieved results
The main goal of this Factory Roadmap project was to double the productivity of the plant. Thanks to the expertise and support of Dillygence in identifying opportunities and implementing radical changes to their factory, CEV achieved a


On their roadside assistance vehicle equipment business, CEV is lagging behind in terms of industry best practices. A thorough diagnosis of their operations must help identify strategic performance improvement areas, and ultimately enable the doubling of their productivity.


Evaluating the industrial maturity of the factory

A 5-axis diagnosis was performed to evaluate the company’s maturity in the following domains:

  • Automation
  • Industrie 4.0
  • Layout & Footprint
  • Operational Excellence
  • Organizational structure 

This diagnosis consisted of several steps :

  • Plant visit to observe real-time operations
  • Interviews with employees of all hierarchical levels
  • Workshops with relevant stakeholders (including VSM : Value Stream Mapping)
  • Analysis of relevant available  data (including operation times)

Our Solutions

Following the diagnosis, a total of 17 actions were identified to boost the factory’s performance. 3 out of these 17 actions were qualified as essential, as their potential impact relative to their costs of implementation (in terms of investment and change management) were the most promising. 

A general transformation roadmap was produced, and several workshops were conducted to refine the target and intermediate stages on the 3 most promising actions for performance improvement. The refining process involved both Dillygence’s Lean expertise, and the operational expertise of CEV’s project leaders and key stakeholders on these particular issues. 


A general transformation roadmap was produced, and several workshops wereconducted to refine the target and intermediate stages on the 3 most promisingactions for performance improvement. The refining process involved both Dillygence’sLean expertise, and the operational expertise of CEV’s project leaders and keystakeholders on these particular issues.Solution implementation

Conducting change to reach targets

A 1-year schedule was designed to quickly implement the solutions designed in earlier stages and build a lasting impact on the factory. Dillygence was responsible for continuously supporting and monitoring the effort, and ensure the momentum of the design phase was not lost.

Factory Roadmap at CEV