Increasing Car Production
A Car That Sells Very Well Triggers the Need to Increase Its Production
A new car model was selling well. Marketing wanted to increase production
The Body In White factory was identified as the bottleneck of the production site
Our client was looking for solutions to help identify the most impactful actions to implement in Body In White factory to increase car production
Our Solutions
Deployment of DispoX
Dillygence deployed DispoX solutions, including the following micro-services, to meet our client needs:
Flow analysis and diagnosis, a set of functionalities to help identify the most impactful buffer and modules, assess the gain of potential actions and prioritize them before introduction in their improvement plan
Rewind, used to replay and visualize the status of the factory when an event happened in the past, and view the unfolding of its impact on the whole factory
Production Up and Target Reached
Assistance with relevant decisions in conducting target actions to increase the reliability of some pieces of equipment
Extensive use of the tool allows unit heads to manage their teams efficiently. DispoX is used during weekly meetings to determine in real-time improvement actions to be carried out
A better understanding of the flow by production teams
Target reached